Tuesday, October 22

A good manufacturer is always confident to brag about his product, because he knows the quality of the stuff it’s made of. In the same way , as God’s child, you’re a specially-crafted masterpiece, and God loves to brag about you! He made you so perfect and is so confident that you’ll rise above any challenge that may come your way.

This is why He’s not moved by how much trouble the devil throws at you. He’s confident of His product- YOU- and knows you’re capable of handling any situation ( 1 Corinthians 10:13 ). This is the same confidence He had in Job. He had confidence in his integrity and He challenged Satan with it (Job 1:8 ).

You’ve got to understand that God knows you’re able and sufficient to bear and overcome all things. Therefore, no matter the trials and challenges that may come your way, rejoice knowing God has made you more than a conqueror!

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