Thursday, September 19


Victims of VITT – a new condition identified by specialists – question the Government’s monitoring of the vaccine’s rollout and its efficacy

The Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine has been branded “defective” in a multi-million pound landmark legal action that will suggest claims over its efficacy were “vastly overstated”.    

The pharmaceutical giant is being sued in the High Court in a test case by Jamie Scott, a father-of-two who suffered a significant permanent brain injury that has left him unable to work as a result of a blood clot after receiving the jab in April 2021. A second claim is being brought by the widower and two young children of 35-year-old Alpa Tailor, who died after having the jab made by AstraZeneca, the UK-based pharmaceutical giant.

The test cases could pave the way for as many as 80 damages claims worth an estimated £80 million over a new condition known as Vaccine-induced Immune Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis (VITT) that was identified by specialists in the wake of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine rollout.

The vaccine, which was heralded at its launch by Boris Johnson as a “triumph for British science”, is no longer used in the UK. 

Victims and their lawyers question the Government’s monitoring of the rollout and point out that while Germany suspended the vaccine’s use for the under 60s at the end of March 2021 over the risk of rare blood clots. In the UK, the joint committee on immunisation and vaccination – which advises the government – said on April 7 that adults under 30 should be offered an alternative to the AstraZeneca jab. The following month this was amended to adults under 40.

Official figures obtained under a Freedom of Information request show that out of 148 payouts made by the Government under the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme, which provides compensation to those injured by vaccines or to bereaved next-of-kin, at least 144 went to recipients of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

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