Friday, September 27

TOXIC MODERNA COMBI FLU AND COVID JAB PASSES TRIAL – Patients could soon be given two-in-one flu and Covid jabs

Patients could soon be given two-in-one flu and Covid jabs after rushed trials found it was just as effective as single shots. The combined vaccine from Moderna was allegedly found to provoke a higher immune response than separate single jabs, according to new data from the firm. The NHS uses Modernas Spike Vax vaccine alongside Pfizer/BioNTech’s Comirnaty for Covid-19 for its booster programmes.

These combination jabs could see patients only needing one jab for protection against both illnesses as soon as 2025, with equivalents being developed by competitors Pfizer and BioNTech.

Stephane Bancel, chief executive of Modern,hoped the vaccine could be made widely available in 2026 – or perhaps, 2025.

He said: ‘Combination vaccines have the potential to reduce the burden of respiratory viruses on health systems and pharmacies, as well as offer people more convenient vaccination options that could improve compliance and provide stronger protection from seasonal illnesses.Moderna is the only company with a positive phase 3 flu and Covid combination vaccine.

Online user Truesanity from the UK said they have no intention of having another MRNA jab until there is proper evidence that there is actually any use for them, and added that far too many people have experienced “coincidental” autoimmune problems after taking them.

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