Wednesday, March 12

The much-anticipated Healing Streams Live Healing Services with the man of God, Reverend (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome, kicked off on Friday, March 18th and concluded in grandeur on Sunday, March 20, 2022. It was a significant event with phenomenal results across the globe. The 3-day healing fest, which was beamed to teeming billions via the Healing Streams TV at, and the Healing School mobile app in over 5000 language translations, marked the new beginning in countless lives. The healing power of God was present to change conditions; a beautiful time of wonderful miracles, remarkable testimonies, and an awesome celebration.

Loveworld CEO and Director of the Healing School, Pastor Deola Phillips delivers a warm welcome address.

The much-awaited healing crusade recorded a participation of over 6.7 billion people from all around the world. Sick and desperate for a change, many connected to this global online stream of divine healing, with high expectations for a healing touch from God and a transformation in their lives.

Loveworld Singers ministering in faith-stirring songs of worship to God.

The life-changing event was set in motion with a special address from the Director of the Healing School, Pastor Deola Phillips who stirred faith in the global congregation, enjoining them to participate in every segment of the event as the power of God was present to heal everyone in need of a miracle. Many were enraptured in an atmosphere of the miraculous as the prolific Loveworld Singers led in faith-stirring songs of worship to God during every session. The world was blanketed in an atmosphere of joy and glory, as the participants worshipped God wholeheartedly in anticipation of God’s healing touch.

Faith came to many more during the talk show segment, as members of the CEC and senior ministers of the Healing School, the highly esteemed Rev. Tom Amenkhienan, and Rev. Ray Okocha shared on the impact of the previous services, the testimonies that followed, and how to receive from the Lord.

Faith lifted in many parts and expectations soared when Evang. Dr. Eddy Owase, a member of the CEC interviewed a few testifiers who had received their miracles at previous healing services with the man of God. These testifiers proved beyond measure the extraordinary love of God manifested through the change in their minds, bodies, and their lives. Mario Scandoval who was healed of severe burns on his leg was one of several who shared their testimonies.

The arrival of the man of God, Pastor Chris was a moment of destiny for many. It marked the end of suffering and oppression by the Devil. He ministered to the sick present in the studio with grace, love, and compassion; with one touch, a word, and a breath, the sick were made free from the conditions that held them bound. Joy unspeakable ensued as the people celebrated their miracles lavishly. The man of God continued to minister one by one to those connected virtually and displayed on the large screen. It was an awesome sight as he called out names of people from different parts of the world, declared God’s Word to them and they received their healing instantly. Healing was proclaimed over the lives of those who participated from numerous healing centers across the globe. Testimonies of miracles continued to pour in from all nations.

Miracles of growths dematerializing, blood conditions cleansed, eyes receiving sight, deaf ears popping open, broken limbs receiving strength, and so many other miracles were recorded from different healing centers set up in hospitals, care homes, correctional facilities, restaurants; there was healing for everyone. Irrespective of their various conditions, countless miracles rippled across the globe.

The program rounded off with reveling prophecy of the healing of the nations amidst the ongoing global crisis. This edition of the epoch-making healing program wrought much more impact with a spectacular display of the supernatural. An avalanche of miracles has been unleashed and the testimonies from this edition of the event will forever linger in the hearts of the participants.

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