Friday, September 20

NHS PHARMACIST TOOK HIS OWN LIFE AFTER COVID JAB COMPLICATIONS – John Cross was unable to move, blink or breathe after his first dose of the vaccine

NHS Pharmacist John Cross suffered rare neurological effects just two weeks after his first dose of the COVID Vaccine, he was denied compensation and told by the official medical assessor for the compensation scheme that although the jab had caused his rare neurological effects, he wasn’t disabled enough for a payment.

John was urged by his doctors to submit a claim to the VDPS. The scheme was set up in 1979 to make a one-off payment of £120,000 to people who have suffered rare, but significant, side effects to a range of vaccines.

But after a two-year delay, with only a review of his medical records and no face-to-face assessment, his claim was rejected.

Mr Cross was unable to move, blink or breathe after his first dose of the vaccine. After he was rejected by the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS), his mental health deteriorated and he took his own life.

Mr Cross’s family are calling for urgent reform of the government’s compensation scheme for vaccine damage.

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