Tuesday, October 22

A cheerful giver is one that is close to God’s heart; one that God cannot do without.

I love the way the Amplified Bible version puts 2 Corinthians 9:7. It says God is unwilling to abandon a cheerful giver. In other words, God always locates such a person and intervenes in any situation that concerns him or her. Givers are very special to God and this is why you must continually give. Be cheerful when you give to God, and don’t grumble because cheerful givers always move His heart.

The Bible records that the Jewish elders pleaded with Jesus to heal the sick servant of  a Roman centurion (Luke 7). Ordinarily, the Jews shouldn’t have anything to do with this Roman centurion, because he wasn’t a Jew. But because the man was a cheerful giver, they asked the Lord in his behalf (Luke 7: 4-5). And also, Jesus followed them immediately when He heard all he had done.

Peter had a similar experience in Joppa (Acts 9). A certain women called Dorcas had died, but the Bible says, “…She was always doing good things for people and had given much to the poor” (Acts 9: 36 CEV). In other words, she was a generous, cheerful giver. When Peter arrived there, they showed him all the wonderful things she had and his faith was stirred. Guess what? He raised her from the dead, even though nobody asked him to. Her generosity had stirred the anointing even in her death. You, too, can connect to the anointing through your giving, because God is stirred by people who give cheerfully.

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