Monday, March 3

JAMAICA PRESENTS BILL TO REMOVE KING CHARLES AS HEAD OF STATE- Golding says time has come for full decolonisation

The Jamaican government has presented a bill proposing to remove Britain’s King Charles’ title as the head of state in Jamaica

Jamaica, which gained independence in 1962, currently retains the British monarch as its head of state.

According to the government’s bill, Charles’ representative in Jamaica – the Governor General – would be replaced by a president nominated by the prime minister in consultation with the opposition leader.

However, critics of the bill, including the opposition People’s National Party (PNP) – are raising objections to how a future president would be selected as presently contained in the bill. PNP’s leader Mark Golding stated that the ‘time has come for full decolonisation… not piecemeal or partial or phased,” 

Prince William during a visit to the Bahamas in 2022 stated that he supports and respects any decision Caribbean nations make about their future.

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