Author: LWTV Sponsors

God is good and goodness is His nature (Psalm 34:8). Therefore, His plan for every one of His children is the best. But there are certain things that may hinder God’s plan and destiny for you from coming to pass, especially when you walk out of sync with God’s Word. One day, God sent a message through prophet Isaiah to King Hezekiah of his impending death. He hadn’t been living right and he became sick, and God’s message to him from Isaiah was, “You shall die and not live.” However, Hezekiah had found out, from the Word of God, how to turn…

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“Words satisfy the soul as food satisfies the stomach; the right words on a person’s lips bring satisfaction. Those who love to talk will experience the consequences, for the tongue can kill or nourish life.” (Proverbs 18:20-21) NLT This scripture lets you know you’re the architect of your life, though some people don’t believe this. Some others don’t even understand it; but it doesn’t change its truism. The life you’re living today is the exact picture you painted with your words yesterday. Your talk is your future. Your tongue is the director of your life. James says the tongue is…

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NHS chiefs in England have announced a five-year plan to help GP surgeries “get back on their feet” and to improve access for patients.The rescue package will see an extra £2.4bn a year ploughed into services by 2020 – a rise of 14% once inflation is taken into account. It will pay for 5,000 more GPs and extra staff to boost practices. It comes after warnings from the profession that the future of general practice was at real risk. Rising patient demand coupled with a squeeze in funding has led to patients facing longer waits for appointments and increasing difficulties…

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Offices of Mitsubishi Motors have been raided in Japan and its share price has dived for a second day after the company admitted faking fuel economy tests on some of its cars.Officials from the Japanese transport ministry entered the research and development centre in Nagoya and a number of other buildings in the country as investors fled Mitsubishi’s stock. Shares were down more than 20% on Thursday after losing 15% in the previous session. It meant about $2.5bn (£1.74bn) had been wiped from its market value in just two days. Wednesday’s decline took place before the company confirmed reports about…

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The Government borrowed £74bn in the year to March, £1.8bn more than George Osborne’s borrowing target.The Chancellor had forecast government borrowing of £72.2bn for the 2015/16 financial year.However, the figures are subject to revision and the Office for Budget Responsibility said the true picture of the public finances was unlikely to be reflected in Thursday’s numbers. For March, government borrowing fell by £2.6bn to £4.8bn. Both figures exclude debt for banks owned by taxpayers such as Royal Bank of Scotland. The annual figure was £17.7bn less than the previous 12 months.

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Barack Obama is expected to warn the UK of the dangers of leaving the European Union, saying it would diminish the country’s global influence. The US President flies in to the UK late on Thursday evening and is understood to be planning to make his arguments for the UK to remain in the EU in a newspaper article and in comments at a news conference on Friday at Downing Street. He is also likely to make a compelling case for continued membership of the 28-nation bloc on the back of the country’s potential to strike trade deals with allies, including…

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Apple appears to have Midas touch. The company has recovered more than a ton of gold from recycled Apple devices in a single year.Old and unwanted iPhones, iPads and Macs handed in to the Cupertino firm during 2015 yielded the precious metal – worth £28m. Small amounts of gold are often used in high-end consumer electronics because it conducts well and does not corrode easily. Apple’s recycling program pays cash for unwanted devices, which are either stripped down or refurbished. As well as the reclaimed gold, Apple recovered 10.4m kilos of steel, two million kilos of aluminium, 1.4 million kilos…

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American investment banking giant Goldman Sachs Group Inc. will report its first-quarter earnings before markets open Tuesday. Analysts expect the company to report earnings of $2.45 a share, down from $5.94 a share it earned in the first quarter of 2015. The bank, which recently agreed to pay out over $5 billion to settle allegations related to the sale of subprime mortgage to investors between 2005 and 2007, is also forecast to report a 36.6 percent year-on-year drop in revenue, to $6.73 billion in the first three months of 2016 from $10.6 billion. Goldman’s pretax profit is also expected to…

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There’s so much going on in the world today that could get you terrified. But in the midst of all that may be happening, you still have a reason to be cheerful and in high spirits. Why? It’s because you’ve been made an overcomer in this life. The Bible says in 1 John 4:4, “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” This means you can think and live above the world. This was the message Jesus gave His disciples, He told them…

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Thousands of people rallied in Skopje on Monday (April 18) and crowds gathered in Tetovo, Kumanovo and Stip, demanding President Gjorge Ivanov revoke his decision to pardon dozens of politicians, mostly from the ruling nationalist VMRO party, including former prime minister Nikola Gruevski, accused of ordering thousands of illegal wiretaps.Demonstrators also want parliamentary elections to be postponed from June 5. The opposition, led by Zoran Zaev’s Social Democratic Union of Macedonia, wants the VMRO to do more toward allowing truly fair elections. The country is deeply divided along ethnic lines, with the majority Macedonians and ethnic Albanians, who make up…

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