Author: LWTV Sponsors

A grammar, punctuation and spelling test due to be taken by 600,000 children aged 10 and 11 in England was leaked online – with the Department for Education blaming a “rogue marker”.A DfE source accused an “active campaign by those people opposed to our reforms to undermine these tests”.The Sats answers appeared for four hours on a password-protected website. It is the second time in three weeks a primary school exam has been published. It also follows a government climbdown last week on plans to force all schools to become academies. Labour’s shadow education secretary Lucy Powell said the leak…

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Germany had a “de facto veto” over David Cameron’s EU renegotiations, ex-minister Iain Duncan Smith has said.He told a newspaper that the PM ditched plans in 2014 to demand an emergency brake on migration after Germany objected. Downing Street said curbs it negotiated on in-work benefits for EU migrants were a “more effective” way forward. It comes as a British Chambers of Commerce survey suggests most business people back Remain but the gap with those backing Leave has narrowed.

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BREAKING NEWS!!! Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann has resigned after losing the support of Social Democratic party colleagues. Mr Faymann came to power in 2008 but has faced criticism within his party since the far right won the first round of presidential elections last month. He told a hastily convened press conference that Austria needed a chancellor who had his party “fully behind him”. He called for the government to make a new start.

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Pastor Chris says you can live to your highest potentials in life by training in the Word. Read more in today’s Rhapsody or download from Psalms 141:2 says: “Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice”. In both 15min sessions at 12noon and 10pm we’ll pray fervently in the spirit, setting forth our prayer before the Lord as incense, lifting up our hands in worship and giving thanks unto His Name for His Glory and abiding presence in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Affirm your love…

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New global rules forcing companies to report taxable activities country-by-country publicly have been called for by a group of 300 prominent economists.In a letter to world leaders, the group urges the UK to “take a lead” in the push for more tax transparency. Poor countries are the biggest losers from tax havens, they claim. The letter’s signatories, co-ordinated by charity Oxfam, include best-selling author Thomas Piketty and 2015 Nobel Prize economics winner Angus Deaton. The letter comes ahead of the UK government’s anti-corruption summit on Thursday, which politicians from 40 countries as well as World Bank and IMF representatives are…

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Britain’s biggest building society is increasing its maximum age for mortgages to 85 to meet “a growing demand” from customers “to borrow in later life”.Nationwide said it will increase its current maximum 75 year age limit by 10 years from July.The announcement comes as Halifax raises its age limit for mortgages from 75 to 80 from today. Nationwide said its change could enable pensioners to borrow to move house or to meet other needs. The option will be available on all standard nationwide mortgage products up to 60% loan-to-value (LTV) and with a maximum loan size of £150,000.

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Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has defended controversial new pension and tax reforms approved by parliament. The measures are needed to unlock further international bailout money, to be discussed at a meeting of eurozone finance ministers on Monday. But they are deeply unpopular with Greek anti-austerity campaigners and trade unions. Mr Tsipras said the changes would not affect the majority of pensioners and moved towards a “sustainable” system.

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Peace in Europe could be at risk if Britain votes to leave the European Union, David Cameron has warned.The UK has regretted “turning its back” on Europe in the past, the PM said, arguing the European Union has “helped reconcile” countries and maintain peace. Mr Cameron asked if leaving the union is a “risk worth taking”. Meanwhile, Boris Johnson, who wants the UK to leave the EU, will make a speech on the “cosmopolitan case for Brexit”. There are just over six weeks to go until the 23 June referendum which will decide whether Britain remains in or leaves the…

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Hey! Guess what God’s saying to you today? He’s saying, ” My child, don’t give up on yourself, you’re up to the task! You’re qualified, for my ability is in you!” Isn’t that great? This means no matter the task or assignment committed to you, you should see yourself as the right person for that project! You may have lost confidence in your competence; your teachers and classmates seems to get anything done right. Don’t despair, refuse to believe or consider their words. Rather, tell yourself and anyone who cares to listen, “I’m up to the task. I can handle…

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A gentleman went to a five-star restaurant for a three-course dinner. He called the waiter and placed an order from the menu. The waiter then went off and brought a piece of bread and some soup to him. The gentleman got very angry thinking that was all the meal he paid so much for and, in his anger took the soup and left the restaurant. When the waiter came again with the main course, he found to his amazement that the man had left! He’d paid for a full three-course meal, not just an appetiser! The best was still to…

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