Author: LWTV Sponsors

Net migration into the UK will stay above 250,000 a year if the UK decides to remain in the EU, a pressure group has claimed.Migration Watch UK says the number of people in the UK will increase by at least a quarter of a million a year for the next 20 years resulting in “a massive impact on our population”.It bases its claim on current levels of net migration – 336,000 in the year to June – and estimates on the UK’s ability to limit the numbers arriving from both the EU and beyond.Migration Watch says it is not taking…

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In today’s prayer post pastor Chris says,You’re a God-carrying vessel. You embody the power of the Holy Spirit. Read more in today’s Rhapsody. If you don’t have a copy, download at The man of continue by saying  Acts 10:38 declares: “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him”. At 12noon and 10pm (Local/GMT), we’ll pray fervently in tongues, for most of 15min. Pray specially for your country and its leaders; pray also for the sick around…

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Assumptions are not allowed in Christianity. You must spend time to study the Word of God and know it for yourself. Study God’s Word by yourself and do away with assumptions. One great advantage of having the Holy Spirit in your life is that He opens your heart to God’s Word and guides to walk in the light of it. he’s your Teacher. Cultivate a daily habit of studying your Bible, and the Holy Spirit will always be there to flood your spirit with revelation knowledge. That’s His responsibility. But you must be hungry for the Word of God; there…

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A national service of thanksgiving to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday at St Paul’s Cathedral has paid tribute to her “faithful devotion” to the country.Dean of St Paul’s David Ison thanked the Queen for her “dutiful commitment, loving leadership, and gentle constancy”. The service is being attended by Royal Family members, including the Duke of Edinburgh – on his own 95th birthday. PM David Cameron read from the Bible, while broadcaster Sir David Attenborough also gave a reading.

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“It is better to trust in the Lord than put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes.” ( Psalm 118:8-9) The best thing in life isn’t the glitz and glamour of having cool stuff but the confident assurance that comes from intimately knowing God. People generally get excited when they receive the good things of life and become sad if they lose them. But Apostle Paul made a profound statement in Philippians 4: 11-12 where he said: “…I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it…

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Hillary Clinton thanked her supporters for helping her reach a historic moment for women – the US Democratic nomination for president. “Thanks to you, we’ve reached a milestone,” she told cheering crowds at a rally in New York. She hailed “the first time in our nation’s history that a woman will be a major party’s nominee”. Earlier, Mrs Clinton won the Democratic primary in New Jersey, cementing her hold on her party’s nomination. She went on to win South Dakota and New Mexico, while her rival Bernie Sanders found victory in the Montana and North Dakota caucuses. Six states have…

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God’s Word has a lot to say about life’s circumstances. And you can be God’s voice to the world, showing them the answers and solutions contained in God’s Word. People of the world may not necessarily agree with you on everything  you tell them from God’s Word, since they have their principles for dealing with issues. Nevertheless, It’s your responsibility to show them God’s way of doing things. This is why when someone approaches you and asks for your advice, your response should be based on God’s Word. The Bible says you’re the light of the world(Matthew 5: 14). In…

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Alberto Contador retained the yellow jersey in the Criterium du Dauphine on Monday after the first stage of 186 kilometres, won by France’s Nacer Bouhanni. Contador won the prologue on Sunday to earn the race leader’s jersey and cruised safely through the stage from Cluses to Saint Vulbas, which saw a two man breakaway from Belgium’s Frederik Backaert and Australian Mitchell Docker. Contador holds a six second overall lead from Australia’s Richie Porte with Briton Chris Froome third, 13 seconds behind Contador.

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The bustling French port city of Marseille is bracing itself for a wave of activity as it prepares to host thousands of football fans during the Euro 2016 soccer tournament. France’s second largest city will host six matches, including one quarter-final and one semi-final, at its Velodrome stadium, the country’s second-biggest, which can hold 67,000 visitors. The Euro 2016 tournament will be held from June 10 through July 10 with 24 teams from across Europe competing for the title, last won by Spain in 2012. France expects 2.5 million spectators in its stadiums, and billions of viewers on TV.

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MPs have lambasted Sir Philip Green for the demise of BHS, accusing him of being an “unscrupulous chancer” and of overseeing “wealth extraction rather than wealth creation”. Green has come under fire after BHS collapsed with a pension deficit of £571m despite the tycoon and other investors collecting more than £580m in dividends, rent and interest payments during his ownership – before he sold it for £1 to a man who had been declared bankrupt three times. The business minister Anna Soubry, said the government would take any misconduct in the downfall of BHS extremely seriously, pledging to ban…

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