Author: LoveWorld UK

If you run a Google search for the word “askew”, you may think you’ve somehow broken your monitor or telepathically adjusted your display settings. But really, Google has just shifted a few degrees – the same thing happens if you search for “tilt”.

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Germany has told Theresa May to “take responsibility” for Brexit talks stalling, as EU leaders prepare to gather for one of the last chances to approve a deal. The country’s foreign minister Michael Roth said it was braced for “the worst” and that “we would not be preparing so hard for ‘no deal’ if the outlook was more optimistic”. He added the EU had “gone a long way” towards the UK’s position and been left with “limited room to manoeuvre” on the backstop plan to prevent a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland. Image:Talks are still blocked over how…

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In our journey of faith, there’ll always be those who’ll test us; everyone who relates with you is placed there by God for your benefit; whether they’re helping you or they’re against you doesn’t make any difference. It doesn’t stop God’s plan of promoting you. If they’re kind, loving, and helpful to you, appreciate them and praise God for them; if they’re otherwise, love them nonetheless – *RHAPSODY OF REALITIES DAILY DEVOTIONAL*  MONDAY, OCTOBER 15TH, 2018. PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME

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