‘We miss you’: Sister makes appeal for missing midwife


The sister of a midwife who has been missing for a week has made an emotional appeal for information, saying “we miss you very much”.

Samantha Eastwood was last seen when she left her night shift at the Royal Stoke Hospital at 7.47am last Friday.

Her sister Gemma made a tearful appeal for anyone with information to come forward.

She said: “We miss you very much, we need you home where you belong.

Her disappearance is out of character, according to police
Image: Samantha Eastwood’s disappearance is out of character, police say

“Samantha is a fantastic woman and friend, she’s warm, friendly, loyal, kind and generous with a great sense of humour and whoever she is with will always make their times together fun.

“Samantha was determined to become a midwife from a young age and succeeded. All of Samantha’s work friends describe her as an amazing midwife. She’s caring harmless and gentle, she’s selfless and would do anything for anyone before herself.”

Her family is very close and police said their concern is growing
Image: The 28-year-old’s car was found parked on the driveway at her house

She added: “If she’s out there or anyone knows where she is please get in touch, get her home.”

Images of Ms Eastwood’s distinctive Radley purse, which is her only missing possession, have been released in the hope someone may have come across the item. Her bank cards have not been used.

Samantha Eastwood was jovial when she left her shift on Friday morning
Image: Samantha Eastwood was ‘jovial’ when she left her shift on Friday morning

Police are investigating reports of screaming coming from Ms Eastwood’s home in the hours after she was last seen.

She was reported missing by colleagues when she didn’t turn up for her shift on Friday evening at 7pm.

Police are asking people to look out for her purse
Image: Police are asking people to look out for her purse

Ms Eastwood, 28, is described as white, approximate 5ft 3in with shoulder-length ginger hair, brown eyes and a fair complexion, with freckles.

A 32-year-old man was arrested in connection with the disappearance but has been released under investigation, Staffordshire Police said.

Police released CCTV of Ms Eastwood leaving work with a female colleague, before driving off alone in her Volvo car.

She was described as “jovial and happy” in the morning as she left work.

Police have confirmed there were no signs of any danger from her mental state, and said the disappearance is out of character, and she is very close with her family and usually stays in touch.

Samantha Eastwood has now been missing for a week
Image: Samantha Eastwood has now been missing for a week

Several addresses are now being searched and the public is urged to report any sightings of vehicles parked in “strange locations”, isolated areas, or lay-bys.

The 28-year-old’s car was found parked on the driveway at her house.

Detective Inspector Dan Ison said: “We are continuing to treat this as a high risk missing person enquiry. Our only aim is for a safe return of Samantha. The arrest was part of our ongoing enquiries.

“During any investigation of this nature, we would not rule anything out and need to explore all avenues with the aim of returning Samantha safe and well.”

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Video: Midwife missing in Staffordshire

Officers are looking at CCTV and carrying out more house-to-house enquiries today.

DI Ison added: “We would ask Samantha herself if she is able to let us or her family know she is safe and well or if anyone has seen her or knows her whereabouts to contact us as soon as possible. She has now been missing since Friday and we are growing increasingly concerned.”

From – SkyNews


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