US UK TALKS Brexit, Iran dominate Bolton-Javid talks


U.S. national security adviser John Bolton met with UK Chancellor Sajid Javid on during a visit to London aimed at reassuring Britain over UK-U.S. ties.

BREXIT and Iran are on the agenda and Bolton is expected to urge British officials to align its policy more closely with that of Washington, which has pressured Tehran with ever-tightening sanctions after Trump withdrew the United States from the Iran nuclear deal.

Britain has so far backed the European Union in sticking with the nuclear accord, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, but the seizure of a British oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz has put pressure on London to consider a tougher stance.

Later on Tuesday, Bolton will meet Liz Truss, Britain’s international trade secretary, and Ben Wallace, the new defense secretary, as well as Steve Barclay, the minister for exiting the European Union, among other officials.
