Three hurt in Parliament ‘terror attack’


A man has been arrested on suspicion of terror offences after three people were injured when a car crashed into security barriers outside Parliament.

The silver Ford Fiesta hit cyclists and pedestrians at 7.37am before crashing into the security barriers.

Sky sources say the suspect – a man in his 20s – has been identified and is from the Midlands.

Three people were treated at the scene, two of whom were taken to hospital. A woman has serious but not life-threatening injuries while a man has been discharged.

The incident is being investigated by counter-terror officers.

A man was held at the scene 0:09
Video: Westminster crash: Handcuffed man led away

The driver, wearing a white shirt and a black hooded puffer jacket, was detained at the scene.

The man was led backwards away from the car after police held him at the scene for a few moments.

The Metropolitan Police said: “There was nobody else in the vehicle, which remains at the scene and is being searched. No weapons have been recovered at this stage.”

In a statement, Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu said: “There is no intelligence at this time of further danger to Londoners or to the rest of the UK connected to this incident.

“Our priority is to formally establish the identity of the suspect and his motivation if we can. He is not currently co-operating.”

Video: Crash ‘appears to be deliberate act’

He said detectives are making “urgent” enquiries to ensure the safety of the public, but the suspect does not appear to be known to either MI5 or counter-terror police.

Since about 9.30am a number of armed officers appear to have been stood down, and forensics officers have arrived to begin investigations.

A later update added: “While we are keeping an open mind, the Met’s counter-terrorism command is leading the investigation into the #Westminster incident.”

The Met has appealed for information from anyone nearby at the time of the incident.

Video footage shows the car driving next to Parliament Square, before turning toward Westminster Abbey.

An ambulance passes the car on its right-hand side, and the car swerves left, crossing oncoming traffic and the pavement, before crashing into the barrier.

A police officer jumps out of the way as the crash happens.

Police attend car crash scene near Houses of Parliament 1:13
Video: Armed police at Westminster car crash

:: Westminster crash: What we know so far

British Transport Police said they would have more officers on patrol around the country after the incident.

Superintendent Chris Horton said: “We know incidents such as this are likely to cause concern, so our officers will be highly visible both on board trains and at stations.

“We are there to reassure the travelling public so please don’t be alarmed if you see our officers, including firearms officers, on your journey.”

One witness said he saw the car hit a cyclist, before accelerating toward the barriers and hitting them.

The ringed car is the one that is believed to have crashed into parliament
Image: The ringed car is the one that is believed to have crashed into Parliament
Police patrol the scene outside parliament where a car is said to have crashed
Image: Police patrol the scene outside Parliament where a car is said to have crashed

Mark White, Sky’s home affairs correspondent, said: “Eyewitnesses are telling us this vehicle was travelling at speed, headed onto the opposite side of the road where a number of cyclists were waiting at the traffic lights, heading into Parliament Square.

“The vehicle then collided with those cyclists before crashing into the security barrier.”

Witness Ewalina Ochab said: “I think it looked intentional – the car drove at speed and towards the barriers.”

Armed police reach the scene of a crashed vehicle outside the Houses of Parliament 0:55
Video: Police jump barrier to Westminster crash

She added: “I was walking on the other side [of the road]. I heard some noise and someone screamed. I turned around and I saw a silver car driving very fast close to the railings, maybe even on the pavement.”

The suspect did not get out of the car, she added.

According to witnesses, cyclists were seen “lying in the road” after the crash.

Police vehicles in Westminster after a vehicle crashes into the Houses of Parliament
Image: Police vehicles in Westminster after a car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament
Armed police respond to the car crash
Image: Armed police respond to the car crash

Westminster station was closed for a period of time, while streets around Parliament Square, Millbank and Victoria Tower Gardens were cordoned off but are now starting to reopen.

A police vehicle removal truck was waved through at about 12.30pm.

Parliament is in summer recess, and so there are fewer politicians working in London, but there are numerous other people working nearby, including political journalists.

MI5’s headquarters is also nearby.

An image that locates the car that is said to have crashed into parliament
Image: An image that locates the car that is said to have crashed into Parliament
A police sniffer dog used to check the scene where a car crashed into parliament
Image: A police sniffer dog used to check the scene where a car crashed into Parliament

One man who witnessed the crash told Sky News it was “very very dramatic”.

He added: “I seen smoke coming out of a vehicle. It’s all been high speed – you’ve got the specialists coming in… it’s been dramatic.”

:: Parliament crash: Witness describes ‘speeding car then a scream’

Bus driver Victor told Sky News: “I stopped the bus because of the crash, and police told us to move back.

“I think it’s not a regular traffic accident, because there’s a barrier there. So I don’t know why someone would drive into the barrier.”

The scene from above in Westminster where a car has crashed into a barrier 0:52
Video: Westminster crash scene from above

A COBRA meeting was scheduled to take place at 2pm, but no cabinet ministers were expected to attend.

Prime Minister Theresa May said: “My thoughts are with those injured in the incident in Westminster and my thanks to the emergency services for their immediate and courageous response.”

Donald Trump tweeted: “Another terrorist attack in London… These animals are crazy and must be dealt with through toughness and strength!”

Sky’s policing analyst Graham Wettone said: “The officers will be looking at the actual scene itself, the route the vehicle came in and trying to establish who is behind it and the reason why – and if there is any support network helping this individual – or if it’s just literally someone who has had a road traffic collision.

The car that is said to have crashed into parliament. Ewelina U Ochab/Twitter/PA Wire
Image: The car that is said to have crashed into Parliament. Ewelina U Ochab/Twitter/PA Wire
Police stand in the street after a car crashed outside the Houses of Parliament
Image: Police stand in the street after a car crashed outside the Houses of Parliament

“That vehicle is likely to remain in place – they want to make sure it’s got nothing in it that’s suspicious before they go in and examine it.

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“In any incident like this… we’ve got so many other important venues and locations, they will be increasing visibility and security patrols just to make sure nothing else happens.”

Steel and concrete barriers were added outside Parliament after the 2017 Westminster Bridge terror attack.

From – SkyNews


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