The Holy Spirit Reveals God’s Blessing To Us


Thank God for making it possible for us to receive the Holy Spirit! That’s the greatest blessing anybody could ever receive. The Holy Spirit is the One who reveals to us hidden mysteries and secrets that natural men can’t perceive. The people of this world have the spirit of the world, but we have the Spirit of God, Who reveals to us those things that God has freely given to us. (1 Corinthians 2:12)

Many people speed-read this portion of Scripture above without ever stopping to ask: “What has God freely given to us?” There are things that have been freely given to us of God, and it’s important that we know them. That’s why the Holy Spirit came into our lives–to show us those things. Even though God has prepared so much for you, it’s possible for you to go through life without ever recognizing those things. Many aren’t aware that God has freely given them a great life to enjoy. They carry on in life living like paupers, when actually they are princes. Until someone receives the Holy Spirit, he won’t know what God has in store for him. He’ll keep walking in darkness as though he had nothing from God. He’ll keep struggling for everything; he may even cheat, lie, and do all sorts of evil because he doesn’t know the wonderful blessings and glorious benefits of the Kingdom God called him to enjoy. Life in its fullness, peace, righteousness, divine healing and health, prosperity, forgiveness, fellowship with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ–these are God’s glorious blessings given to you to enjoy freely.

“The Holy Spirit came to reveal these blessings to you, and teach you how to walk in them. Recognize His ministry in your life today, and He’ll transport you into your place of divine inheritance where God ordained for you before the foundation of the world!
