“Prayer at 12noon and 10pm (Local/GMT) – Mon April 25


Shouts of victory rent the air as many received their healing yesterday at the fourth Healing Service of the Healing School Autumn Session in Johannesburg, South Africa. Blind eyes opened, deaf ears unstopped, the lame walked; evil spirits, cancer, HIV and all manner of diseases departed as we ministered the healing power of God to the sick; many also came forward to receive salvation in Christ.
We’re grateful to the Lord for His loving kindness, mercy and abundant grace.
Thanks to all our Healing School partners around the world, who gave to make it possible for so many to receive healing and salvation at the Healing School, this session.
You can see highlights of the service on the Loveworld News app, or visit http://loveworldnews.com and the Healing School SuperUser timeline on the KingsChat app.
In today’s Rhapsody, learn more about faith. Download your copy or visit http://rhapsodyofrealities.org
At 12noon and 10pm (Local/GMT), we’ll pray in tongues of the spirit for most of both 15min sessions, and with deep supplications for the spread of the gospel around the world, and the salvation of souls.
