Wednesday, October 23

It was a remarkable moment in modern American political history. President Donald Trump held court for one hour and 16 minutes, fielding multiple questions from reporters, while also airing his grievances with the media.

After a fast-paced and at times turbulent four weeks, President Trump rejected the idea of a White House in chaos, describing his administration as a “fine-tuned machine”.

But hours later Mr Trump suffered another setback when his choice of replacement national security adviser, Robert Hayward, turned down the role.

The dynamics of the presidential news conference were unusual, but it gave him a chance to take control and address his supporters and the nation directly.

He used it to defend his record and reflect on his election win – highlighting recent poll numbers, emphasising his victory over Hillary Clinton and discussing cable TV ratings.

Mr Trump launched an extensive attack on the US media, saying “the level of dishonesty is out of control”.

The White House has criticised the press plenty of times, but the length and unfiltered nature of this was unusual.

Reporters had initially gathered to hear him announce his pick for secretary of labour. But he swiftly moved on to attacking them.

He said: “The media is trying to attack our administration because they know we are following through on pledges we made and they’re not happy about it.

“But a lot of people are happy about it.

“I turn on the TV, open the newspapers, I see stories of chaos. Yet it is the exact opposite. This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine.”

This was a president who seemed frustrated at how he is being portrayed.

He said: “Many of our nation’s reporters will not tell you the truth. And will not treat the wonderful people of this country with the respect they deserve.

“I hope, going forward, things can be a little bit different and maybe get along a little bit better. Maybe it’s not. That’s okay too.

“Much of the media in Washington DC, along with New York, Los Angeles, in particular, speaks not for the people but for those profiting off an obviously very broken system.

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