LABOUR REJECTS COMMITTING TO NEW SEX ED GUIDANCE – Shadow education secretary says it’s important that children know families come in different shapes and sizes   

The Labour Party has declined to commit to keeping the new sex education guidance for schools, unveiled by the Education Secretary. Neither Sir Keir Starmer, the party leader, nor Bridget Phillipson, the shadow education secretary, have given backing to the plans.
The guidance urges schools not to teach contested gender ideology and states that sex education should not be taught before the age of nine. However, Labour has argued that they need time to look through the details of each proposal before committing to keep them.In an interview, Ms. Phillipson stressed the importance of age-appropriate teaching on sex education and the need for guidance in schools. 
When asked for an initial response to the sex education guidance and whether Labour would keep it, Ms Phillipson said: “I want to look carefully at what the Government is setting out. It’s a draft document that’s there for consultation.”
She added, “I do think it’s important that children have a wide understanding about their place in the world and understand that families come in different shapes and sizes, and understand issues around relationships.”