ITALY’S BERLUSCONI Party wants snap vote after talks with President


Italy’s opposition Forza party leader Silvio Berlusconi said, his party wants the country to go to ballots if a center-right government cannot be formed after the collapse of the coalition made up of the 5-Star Movement and the League.

That will lead to the formation of the country’s 67th government in just 73 years.  The average Italian government lasts just 13 months.

“There is only one path to follow: early elections. This is the suggestion I made to the President,” he told reporters.

Former Prime Minister and media tycoon Berlusconi spoke after meeting the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella who, after consulting with political forces, must decide whether to call an early election or give a new mandate to form a government.

Later on Thursday, Mattarella will also meet delegations from the 5-Star Movement and League Party leader Matteo Salvini.
