Global Youth Leaders’ Conference in Pune, India

IEYC alumni host first Global Youth Leaders’ Conference for youths in India, Pakistan and Nepal.

Alumni of the Easter Youth Camp with Pastor Chris organized the first-ever Global Youth Leaders’ Conference with hundreds of youths gathered at the venue in Pune, India, and many more participating via LIVE streaming across different centers in India, Pakistan and Nepal.

During the meeting, which held on Saturday, July 25, the youths were inspired as they listened to various accounts of the Easter Youth Camp experience from alumni. Sydney Fernandes, the regional youth leader for GYLF Asia, congratulated all in attendance, intimating that they would be moved to a higher level by the power of the Word of God.

The youths also listened to a special message by Pastor Chris titled, ‘How to Win for Jesus Christ,’ after which the guest speaker, Pastor Isaac Agarwal, expounded on the value of life and the need to take on the responsibility of leadership in the house of God and in society. Everyone present was blessed and inspired through the different ministrations, including dance presentations, special numbers and testimonies. Many received Christ, and without a doubt, their lives will never be the same.

From Pakistan, Stephan commented, “I prayed earnestly for this conference and I am grateful to God that I was a part of it.”

The Global Youth Leaders’ Forum (GYLF) is an initiative that was established as a result of the impact of the International Easter Youth Camp with Pastor Chris. The forum provides continuous training and mentoring for IEYC delegates, giving them a platform for global impact.

