Exeter investigate after Ugo Monye reports racist abuse leaving stadium


Exeter Chiefs are to launch an investigation after an allegation of racist abuse made by Ugo Monye, the former England wing. Monye, who was covering the Chiefs v Gloucester fixture for TNT Sports, described the incident as “the most blatant racism” he has experienced at any rugby stadium.

After the match an angry Monye posted details of the episode on social media. “Leaving Sandy Park and one supporter running through crowd starts shouting ‘Nigga, Nigga…’” he wrote. “Disgraceful. Not a single person said a word, challenged or even reported it.

“He walks off after a mild scuffle and fans are now telling me ‘We’re with you.’ BOLLOCKS you’re with me. You weren’t with me when you saw and heard the most blatant racism I’ve seen from a supporter at a live game. So fed up.”

Exeter were swift to respond, condemning such behaviour “in the strongest possible terms” and calling on other supporters to supply further information. “Our team will begin to review CCTV footage from the stadium immediately in an attempt to identify the individual in question.
