Friday, March 14

DOMINIC CUMMINGS is threatening to release a crucial document on Boris Johnson’s decision-making process during the pandemic.

In a tweet today, the former adviser to the Prime Minister warned he will release the “crucial” document to the Commons committee ahead of his appearance on Wednesday but also his blog or convert it to cryptocurrency and donate the proceeds to charities. He said: “I’ve got the only copy of a crucial historical document from covid decision-making. “Should I 1/ give it to the Cmte next week / put on blog, b/ auction it as an Ethereum NFT & give the ETH to a covid families charity?”

Since stepping down from his role, Mr Cummings has used his Twitter profile to reveal some of the Government’s thinking throughout the pandemic.

He has also used it to criticise some within the SW1 bubble and analyse different responses to the pandemic from other countries.

Mr Cummings appeared before the Health and Social Care Committee and Science and Technology Committee to give evidence on the Government’s handling of the pandemic.

He is due to appear again as the joint inquiry examines lessons which can be drawn from the pandemic. 

Later he tweeted: “Did 1st Twitter poll but botched options like an idiot so scrapped.

“My point was as well as giving to the committee I could also raise £ for a charity – not instead of – but I botched it, obviously I’ll give to the committee.”

Mr Cummings has previously has been accused of leaking texts and messages from Government officials.

He also been accused of briefing the press against the Prime Minister on multiple incidences including the renovation of Downing Street.

Mr Cummings has, however, claimed he did not leak any information relating to the refurbishment and instead claimed he advised the Prime Minister over the matter.

The former adviser also denied leaking to the BBC plans of second coronavirus lockdown in November.

In further tweets today, Mr Cummings laid out a further attack against the Government and the “catastrophe” surrounding Brexit.

He said: “Success seems to have blinded SW1 to important Qs. a/ We did it much better than Brussels, obviously, but Brussels is not a good comparison.

“How well did we do relative to ‘how well would General Groves who ran the Manhattan Project have done it?’

“I think we’ll conclude we shd have done Human Challenge trials immediately & could have got jabs in arms summer.

“This is not a criticism of the VTF which has been constrained in ways they shouldn’t be.

“It’s connected to b/ where is the public plan for how the VTF will deal with variants?

“One of the most fundamental & unarguable lessons of Feb-March is that secrecy contributed greatly to the catastrophe.

“Openness to scrutiny would have exposed Government errors weeks earlier than happened.”

Overall, the former adviser claimed the Government should’ve published elements of its covid response plan

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