CHARITIES ‘CONCERNED’ OVER LACK OF PROGRESS WITH RENTERS REFORM BILL – Charities urge Prime Minister to pass a bill to ban ‘no-fault’ evictions

A group of 30 charities and non-profit organisations have urged the prime minister to pass a bill to ban “no-fault” evictions. The Renters Reform Bill would remove the right of landlords in England to evict tenants for no reason with only two months’ notice.

Charities warned delays risk causing “more avoidable hardship and suffering” and a “greater cost to the taxpayer”. The government said the bill would resume progress in parliament shortly. The Conservatives promised “a better deal for renters” – including a ban on no-fault evictions – in its manifesto ahead of the general election four years ago.

In May, the Renters Reform Bill was introduced to Parliament, containing this measure. But it has not yet been brought back for the next parliamentary stage. There are concerns the bill will not have time to pass through Parliament before the next election, which is expected to take place next year.

Under current housing legislation, known as Section 21, landlords can evict tenants without giving a reason. After receiving a Section 21 notice, tenants have just two months before their landlord can apply for a court order to evict them.

Shelter, the housing charity which has co-ordinated a letter from 30 organisations to Rishi Sunak, wrote that its research suggested a renter is evicted every three minutes in England under the no-fault rule.
