U.S. Democratic presidential candidates hit the campaign trail on Thursday New Hampshire after an array of problems delayed results from Monday night’s Iowa caucuses, the first 2020 presidential nominating contest which has not yet resulted in a clear winner.

New Hampshire hosts the next nominating contest early next week.

Senator Bernie Sanders, who narrowly lost the Democratic presidential nomination to Hillary Clinton in 2016, held a news conference in Manchester and said the chaotic Iowa caucus was a “screwup” that was unfair to all candidates.

With 97% of precincts counted, Pete Buttigieg, the 38-year-old former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, has 26.2% of state delegate equivalents and Sanders of Vermont has 26.1%, according to the state party.

Buttigieg, ahead in the delegates that will be used to determine a winner, has claimed victory in the race. As has Sanders, who has a slight lead in the equivalent of Iowa’s popular vote, which will not be used to determine a winner.

It was not clear when the remainder of the results would be released.
