Author: LWTV Sponsors

Pastor Chris shares a post saying today’s Rhapsody is very instructive. Study, digest the Word; it’ll change your life and your world. Read or download from 2 Corinthians 3:18 says: “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord”. In both 15min sessions at 12noon and 10pm (Local/GMT), we’ll pray fervently in the spirit, giving thanks to the Lord for the glory of His Word in us, producing the good treasures and fruits of…

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Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff has asked the Supreme Court to block impeachment proceedings against her – in a final attempt to stop the process hours before a crucial Senate vote.Ms Rousseff’s lawyers alleged bias and irregularities. Similar attempts have been rejected by the court. Ms Rousseff could be suspended for up to 180 days if the senators vote for a full trial on Wednesday. Earlier, her supporters set up burning barricades and blocked roads. The roadblocks caused widespread disruption across all Brazilian states.

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Heathrow Airport has promised to reduce night flights and curb both noise and pollution if it is allowed to build a new, third runway. The pledge comes ahead of a government decision expected this summer on whether to expand Heathrow or Gatwick. Gatwick Airport said it remained the “only expansion plan that could deliver for the UK”. Last year, the Davies Commission recommended expanding Heathrow, but with strict environmental restrictions. The inquiry led by Sir Howard Davies recommended a ban on night flights, limits to overall noise and guarantees that local pollution would not get worse.

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Bernie Sanders has won the West Virginia primary in the Democratic race for the presidential nomination, US media project.The Vermont senator still trails Hillary Clinton in the overall contest for delegates but this win keeps his slim hopes alive. “We are going to fight for every last vote,” he said in a victory speech that also attacked Republican Donald Trump. Mr Trump was declared the winner in West Virginia and in Nebraska. His last remaining rivals dropped out last week but remained on the ballot.

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The Queen has been caught on camera saying Chinese officials were “very rude” during last year’s state visit by President Xi Jinping. She was discussing their treatment of Britain’s ambassador to China with a senior police officer at a Buckingham Palace garden party on Tuesday. It came after David Cameron was overheard saying Afghanistan and Nigeria were “fantastically corrupt”. Buckingham Palace said the Chinese state visit was “extremely successful”. The invitation to President Xi was part of the government’s policy of courting Chinese investment. The Queen’s remarks were caught on tape as she was introduced to Metropolitan Police Commander Lucy D’Orsi,…

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Grace is the lifting power of God which makes you accepted, preferred, and celebrated everywhere you go; people just love you and choose to favour you. Some folks don’t know this, and that’s why they wallow in self-pity,thinking people around them don’t like them. You must learn to put the Grace of God in you to work by being conscious of it and making the right confessions. The grace of God will attract the right people and resources you need to function in God’s destiny for your life. This doesn’t necessarily mean everyone will like you, but every well-meaning person…

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The majority of business people plan to vote for the UK to remain in the EU but the gap with those wanting to leave has narrowed, a survey suggests.The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) said 54% of 2,200 members it surveyed in April said they would vote Remain, down from 60% in February’s survey. In contrast, 37% said they would vote to leave, up from 30% two months ago. Almost all of those surveyed – 90% – said they were unlikely to change their opinion ahead of the 23 June vote. The BCC’s acting director general Dr Adam Marshall said…

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Tata Steel UK Confirms Seven Possible Bidders Tata Steel has confirmed it is taking forward seven ‘expressions of interest’ over the sale of its remaining business in the UK. Tata added that others who had expressed an interest had been thanked for their participation but told their plans were not currently being considered. The statement said: “As previously announced, it is Tata Steel Europe’s primary intention to assess expressions of interest for the whole of Tata Steel’s UK business. Tata Steel UK was put up for sale earlier this year after losses grew to £1m a day. It left 11,000…

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Maverick anti-crime candidate Rodrigo Du-ter-tey has won the Philippine presidential elections, following the withdrawal of his opponents. Although the official result has not yet been declared, main rival Mar Roxas admitted defeat after polls gave Mr Du-ter-tey an unassailable lead. Mr Du-ter-tey said he accepted the mandate with “extreme humility”. The 71-year-old stirred controversy during campaigning with his incendiary comments.

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Presidential hopeful Donald Trump has said the newly elected mayor of London would be an “exception” to his proposed ban on Muslims travelling to the US.Because of his faith, Sadiq Khan had expressed concern that he would not be able to visit the US if Mr Trump were elected. Mr Trump proposed a ban on Muslims entering the US after attacks in Paris killed 130 people last year. “There will always be exceptions,” the Republican businessman said. The temporary ban has been widely criticised in the US and abroad but Mr Trump has stood by the proposal, saying it is…

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