Author: LWTV Sponsors

For years we have been told that we should cut down on the amount of fat we eat, inspiring many people to adopt low-fat diets.Now it seems the story is changing, with a report saying that such eating patterns are having “disastrous health consequences”. The National Obesity Forum and the Public Health Collaboration have called for a “major overhaul” of dietary guidelines, accusing major public health bodies of colluding with the food industry. Their report pushes for a return to “whole foods” such as dairy, fish and meat, as well as high fat healthy foods such as avocados, saying that…

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The Man of God Pastor Chris Oyakhilome released today’s prayer post, saying as trees of righteousness in the Lord’s vineyard, we must be fruitful and productive. Read more in today’s Rhapsody or download from Galatians 6:9 – 10 tells us: “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith”. For 15min at 12noon we’ll pray fervently in tongues, and for our Pastors and leaders in ministry,…

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Thousands of Leicester City fans celebrated their club winning the Premier League title at the city’s Victoria Park on Monday (May 16).Leicester finished the season with a 1-1 draw with Chelsea on Sunday (May 15) with 81 points in the Premier League – 10 ahead of nearest rival Arsenal. Famously the club went from 5000-1 outsiders to win the title. Now they are looking forward to Champions League soccer next season. The dedicated fans all had stories of why they support the Foxes, and they are looking to manager Claudio Ranieri and owner Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha to attempt similar success next…

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The boss of one the world’s largest oil companies has said it will continue to invest in the UK and that oil and gas production in the North Sea has a future. His comments follow an estimated 65,000 job losses in the industry and warnings about a collapse in investment. The French oil boss said that while his company remained committed to the region, the industry needed to be “smart” in finding ways to maximise the UK’s offshore potential.

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Banks should cap unarranged overdraft fees and warn customers before they go overdrawn, the competition watchdog has said. The Competition and Markets Authority says this and other measures could save bank customers £1bn over five years. The provisional conclusions of the 18-month study into personal and business banking suggest competition is weak in the industry. But consumer group Which? said the report was a missed opportunity.

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UK inflation rate falls to 0.3% The UK’s inflation rate, as measured by the Consumer Prices Index, fell to 0.3% in April, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The fall, from March’s rate of 0.5%, is the first since September. The Bank of England said last week that it expected inflation to increase in the second half of the year. UK average house prices increased by 9.0% over the year to March 2016, up from 7.6% in the year to February 2016.

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Nurses, paramedics and pharmacists should be trained to fill in for doctors and help the NHS in England cope with demand, bosses say.Management body NHS Employers has given the plan the green light after advisers said there were a range of extra tasks they could do with more training. A Nuffield Trust review found examples of nurses filling in for hospital doctors and pharmacists for GPs. It has been well documented that there are gaps in junior doctor rotas, while GPs are struggling to cope with the rising number of patients coming through their doors.

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They have suffered the worst in the hands of Islamic State (ISIS) militants. They have seen some of the people they know kidnapped and killed for refusing to convert to Islam. Now, Christians in the ancient city of Maaloula in Syria are beginning to pick up the pieces as they rise again through God’s help after falling under ISIS control and surviving the atrocities perpetrated by Islamic militants. Maaloula became an ISIS target because it is one of the oldest Christian cities in the world. The city is located 35 miles northeast of the Syrian capital of Damascus. Thankfully, the…

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“You are from beneath; I am from above.” I’m the Jews were baffled when the Lord Jesus spoke these words to them in John 8:23. He was referring to His identity and origin. He wanted them to know He came down from heaven.He referred to himself as the living bread which came down from (John 6:51). In addition to that, the Bible also lets us know He’s the Word of God made flesh ( John 1:1-10), showing us further that He was not of this earth but from above. And do you know what? If you’re born again, you’ve received…

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Quoting Philippians 4:7, which reads: “Be anxious for nothing; but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus”, Pastor has given the direction for today’s prayers.Pastor says “In both 15min sessions at 12noon and 10pm (Local/GMT), we’ll pray fervently in the spirit, in accordance with this scripture, bringing before the Lord our definite requests and supplications, also praying for the saints around the world, desiring that they walk continually in divine wisdom, grace, favour…

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