Author: LWTV Sponsors

The fact that you received the Holy Spirit at a specific time doesn’t mean you’ll always be filled with Him. Being filled with the Holy Spirit has to be a daily experience, in the same way you drink water every day. You don’t lose your mind when you’re filled with the Spirit, as some people think! Rather, you come under the control of the Holy Spirit twenty-four hours each day, and you become more sensitive to Him. You don’t get filled with the Spirit simply by saying, “I’m now filled with the Spirit.” There are things to do that get…

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A 72 hour temporary truce may last for 72 hours in suburbs of Damascus as country reels from ISIL bombings that killed 150 people.Russia has called for a temporary truce to begin in two towns in the Damascus countryside after multiple attacks in northwestern Syria killed at least 150 people. The Russian defence ministry wants the truce in the towns of Daraya and Eastern Ghouta to begin on Tuesday and last for 72 hours. Monday’s announcement came as the United States continued to urge Russia to pressure President Bashar al-Assad’s government to stop bombing opposition forces and civilians in Damascus…

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Jose Mourinho will meet Manchester United officials on Tuesday for talks about becoming Louis van Gaal’s successor as manager. Van Gaal, 64, was sacked on Monday, two days after winning the FA Cup, because of the quality of his side’s football. United finished fifth in the Premier League this season and exited the Champions League at the group stage. Mourinho, 53, one of the game’s most successful coaches, has been available since Chelsea sacked him in December. He won three league titles in two spells at Stamford Bridge, and guided Porto and Inter to Champions League victories in 2004 and 2010…

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The long lasting tradition of throwing hats in the air after graduating has been around for more than 100 years, but a university in the U.K. now wants to do things a little differently.Safety concerns, officials at the University of East Anglia (UEA) said this year graduates should simply pretend to throw their mortarboards skyward, adding that the photography firm taking the pictures will Photoshop them in later. Penguin Photography said it’s been taking graduation photos for the last 20 years, offering graduates two prints: a formal photograph and a mortar board-throwing photograph. “This year we were asked by UEA…

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A police officer in the US city of Baltimore was cleared of assault and other charges relating to the death of an African American man after he was taken into police custody last year.Officer Edward Nero is one of six officers facing charges in the Freddie Gray case and was found not guilty of second-degree assault, reckless endangerment and misconduct in office. Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake called for calm following the verdict and said Nero would face an administrative review by the police department.

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Anti-malarial drug Lariam should be the “drug of last resort” for UK troops, MPs on the defence committee have said.The drug has been prescribed to at least 17,000 service personnel at least once between April 2007 and March 2015. The MPs criticised the MoD over the way it issued the controversial drug, which can cause severe side-effects, including depression and anxiety. The MoD said the “vast majority of deployed personnel already receive alternatives to Lariam”.

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Louis van Gaal left Manchester United’s team hotel in London on Sunday telling Sky Sports News HQ’s reporter “it’s over”. Sky sources understand Jose Mourinho is set to succeed Van Gaal as United manager, with his agent Jorge Mendes due to fly into the UK on Tuesday for talks. United insist, however, Van Gaal’s comments on Sunday were referring purely to the season being “over” – not his reign as United boss. The victorious United squad boarded their bus just before midday on Sunday with Van Gaal posing for photographs with fans.

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Ryanair says it expects its average fare to fall by 7% this year as it cuts prices to boost its market share amid intensifying competition.The cuts came as the budget airline reported a 43% rise in net profit to €1.2bn for the full year to the end of March, just short of analyst forecasts. Revenues rose 16% to €6.5bn for the year. Disruption following the Brussels terror attacks, as well as lower airfare prices due to the falling oil price, hit fourth quarter profit, it said.

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London’s long-awaited all-night Tube service will launch on two underground lines on 19 August, the new mayor has announced.A 24 hour service had been due to start last year but no agreement was reached with the unions, which led to it being delayed. Transport for London (TfL) has now said all-night operations will begin at weekends on the Central and Victoria lines. The night service will run on Fridays and Saturdays, from 12.30am to 5.30am, during which period there will be six trains an hour.

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The health service is facing a £10bn black hole by 2020 as it struggles to make £22bn in planned efficiency savings, according to a new report.Analysis by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (Cipfa) suggested quality of care could suffer and costs would be higher if the funding gap is not filled. The report said the health service was facing new pressures since the Five Year Forward View was devised in 2014 and the additional £8.4bn in funding announced by the Government last year was being “used to plug short-term gaps”.

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