Author: LoveWorld UK

Get to know who you are, because when you get to know who you are, you’ll know what belongs to you and live to your full potentials. Be bold in your life. You’re a child of God; a joint-heir with Christ; the world belongs to you. Refuse to live an ordinary life or as an ordinary person.

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The first step on the trial against nine Catalan leaders was made in Madrid. Lawyers and prosecutors and not the defendants, gathered in an initial hearing in which a judge was due to rule on whether the Supreme Court is competent to continue handling the case or it should be transferred to a Catalan tribunal. The nine Catalan leaders, currently in a jail near Barcelona, are due to be processed for their role in the region’s failed bid to split from Spain last year. If convicted, they face decades in prison on charges including misappropriation of funds and rebellion. Four…

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Prime Minister Theresa May and her ministers will step up preparations for a “no deal” Brexit, an outcome made more likely by a deadlock in parliament over the British leader’s divorce deal with the European Union. With just over 100 days until Britain is due to leave the EU, May is yet to win the support of a deeply divided parliament for the deal she struck last month with Brussels to maintain close ties with the bloc. Members of the cabinet were seen entering Number 10 Downing Street in the morning to meet for the last time before the Christmas…

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Therefore, having received the Holy Spirit, you don’t need to ask God for more power; the Holy Spirit, the power of God Himself, lives in you! So like David, declare, “I will love thee, O Lord, my strength…my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high-tower” (Psalm 18:1-2).

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A ceasefire agreed between Yemen’s warring parties in Hodeidah will begin on Tuesday, December 18, said Yahya Sarea, Senior official of the Houthi armed forces at a news conference in Sanaa. The Iranian-aligned Houthi group and the Saudi-backed government of Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi agreed after a week of U.N.-sponsored peace talks in Sweden to cease fighting in the Red Sea city and withdraw forces. Residents in Hodeidah are hoping the ceasefire will bring peace and stability, allowing them to return to work and move forward with their lives. The United Nations is trying to avert a full-scale assault on the…

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Boeing Co opened its first 737 completion plant in China a strategic investment aimed at building a sales lead over arch-rival Airbus in one of the world’s top travel markets that has been overshadowed by the U.S-China trade war. The world’s largest planemaker also delivered the first of its top-selling 737s completed at the facility in Zhoushan, southeast of Shanghai, to state carrier Air China. Boeing and Airbus have been expanding their footprint in China as they vie for orders in the fast-growing aviation market, which is expected to overtake the United States as the world’s largest in the next…

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Thousands of people marched in Brussels against a U.N. pact aimed at fostering cooperation on migration, eclipsing a smaller demonstration in support of the deal, the signing of which brought down Belgium’s government last week. Police said some 5,500 people marched in the bigger protest, organised by Flemish right wing parties in the part of the capital where main European Union institutions are located. A separate counter-demonstration of around 1,000 people, organised by left-wing groups and non-governmental organisations, took place in the city centre. Belgian right-wing N-VA, which is the biggest party in parliament, pulled its ministers from the ruling…

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British trade minister Liam Fox said talks with the European Union to secure “assurances” for parliament on Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal will take time, with a decision expected in the New Year. With British Prime Minister Theresa May facing more tough decisions in parliament over the deal and the EU offering little so far, more politicians are talking about the possibility of Britain leaving without an agreement or a second referendum that could stop Brexit from happening. With less than four months before Britain is due to leave in March, Brexit, the biggest shift in trade and foreign…

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