Author: LoveWorld UK

CEO of LoveWorld Inc., other senior ministers and brethren, fulfill civic duty across Nigeria. The CEO, LoveWorld Inc., Pastor Deola Phillips, posted a picture from a polling center in Lagos, Nigeria, on KingsChat this afternoon, with the caption: “Don’t neglect to carry out your civic duty; faith without works is dead.” Members of the ministry throughout Nigeria are participating in the nation’s Presidential elections taking place today, February 23, in an effort to add works to their faith expressed in prayers. The esteemed Director of Corporate Affairs, Pastor Ifeoma Chiemeka, was seen with the CEO in the picture posted to…

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President Muhammadu Buhari took an early lead n initial official results from Nigeria’s presidential election but the party of his main challenger quickly rejected the tallies as “incorrect and unacceptable”. In the northern state of Kano, hundreds of people celebrated Buhari’s provisional lead in what was billed as one of the key battlegrounds in this year’s elections. Saturday’s election, which western observers said had lost some credibility after being abruptly delayed by a week by officials citing organizational glitches, was expected to be Nigeria’s tightest since the end of military rule two decades ago. Buhari, 76, is a former military…

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North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrived in Hanoi ahead of a two-day summit with U.S. President Donald Trump. Kim, who travelled from the North Korean capital by train, arrived at the station in the Vietnamese town of Dong Dang after crossing over the border from China. A convoy was later seen heading inside the Melia hotel in Hanoi. The two are set to meet for a second summit in Vietnam’s capital Hanoi on Wednesday and Thursday, eight months after their historic summit in Singapore, the first between a sitting U.S. president and a North Korean leader.

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U.S. President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen will testify in a closed hearing of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee. Michael Cohen met last month with federal prosecutors in Manhattan and provided information about potential irregularities in the Trump family business, the New York Times reported. Cohen, a former employee at the Trump Organization, provided the prosecutors with information about insurance claims filed by the company over the years, the newspaper reported. There was no indication that Cohen implicated Trump in the possible irregularities, the reports said.

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Prime Minister Theresa May is making progress on winning Brexit concessions from the European Union, a senior minister said, as British lawmakers plotted to delay Britain’s March 29 exit or even push for another referendum. “It is government policy to leave on the 29th March and it is government policy to do everything we can to get there,” Environment Secretary, Michael Gove, said in an interview Some of May’s senior ministers have threatened to side with rebels to stop it being put to another vote in parliament on Wednesday.

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Every Christian wants and should live the life that’s Spirit-ruled and Spirit-controlled; the life that’s filled with God. That’s what Christianity is: Christ alive and at work in you, such that you’re always under the sway and regulation of the Spirit; not such things as anger, wrath and malice.

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Britain and the European Union has made good progress in talks about Brexit and a deal is still within grasp so Britain can leave the bloc as planned on March 29, Prime Minister Theresa May said. “We still have it within our grasp to leave the European Union with a deal on the 29th of March,” May said. “We’ve had good progress, constructive discussions with the European Union.” May said further meetings in Brussels on securing changes to the deal ruled out a so-called meaningful vote in parliament this week.

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Prime Minister Theresa May put off a vote in parliament on her Brexit deal until as late as March 12 – just 17 days before Britain is due to leave the EU – setting up a showdown this week with MPs who accuse her of running out the clock. As the Brexit crisis goes down to the wire, May said a so-called “meaningful vote” would not take place this week as expected. Parliament will still hold a series of Brexit votes on Wednesday, but May’s deal itself will not be on the table. On her way to an EU-Middle East…

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China would welcome a visit by Britain’s finance minister Philip Hammond, the Chinese foreign ministry said, a day after the minister had said talk of deploying a British warship in the Pacific had complicated bilateral relations. As Britain prepares to leave the European Union at the end of next month, its biggest foreign and trade policy shift in more than 40 years, it is seeking to strengthen diplomatic relationships and trade ties with countries around the world. British media reported that China had cancelled trade talks with Hammond because it was upset about Williamson’s speech.

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The key to securing a Brexit deal the British government can get through parliament is to define more precisely the “temporary” nature of the Irish backstop, British Foreign Secretary Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said. The backstop, an arrangement to avoid a hard border between European Union member Ireland and British-ruled Northern Ireland after Brexit, has become the main point of contention in the proposed Brexit deal. Hunt was speaking at a news conference after meeting Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas in Berlin.

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