Author: LoveWorld UK

The lame walk, blind eyes open, deaf ears unstopped, all manners of illnesses healed by God’s power. The hour had finally come: this was the high point of the service that many had looked forward to. It was a special moment for the unlimited manifestation of God’s Spirit as the man of God, Pastor Chris, walked into the hall. Pastor Chris walks into the auditorium full of the Holy Ghost & ready to heal. The atmosphere in the auditorium was one of elation. The man of God, ministered to those on the healing line one after the other, and diverse…

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The new European Parliament chief ruled out any Brexit deal without an Irish backstop but said the EU was willing to revive a proposal that would keep only Northern Ireland in the bloc’s orbit to maintain a seamless border on the island of Ireland. The European Parliament must endorse any Brexit deal agreed between the EU and Britain for it to take effect. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson says his country will leave the EU on October 31, deal or no deal. The backstop, the key obstacle to a deal, aims to ensure no customs or regulatory controls are imposed…

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A senior lawmaker from Britain’s opposition Labour Party said he is “sceptical” some ministers’ statements in Parliament accurately reflect the contents of the government’s reports regarding a potential no-deal Brexit. Labour’s finance policy chief, John McDonnell, said statements delivered in the House of Commons prior to the suspension of Parliament should be compared to the “Operation Yellowhammer” documents, which lawmakers forced the government to release on Wednesday through a parliamentary motion. McDonnell did not give examples of statements he thought were not reflective of the Yellowhammer findings. A number of government ministers including Prime Minister Boris Johnson have pointedly praised…

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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has denied lying to Queen Elizabeth over the reasons for suspending parliament for five weeks after a court ruled his decision to do so was unlawful. Johnson said on Thursday (September 12) those claims were “absolutely not” true while questioned by reporters at a maritime careers event on the River Thames. Parliament was prorogued – suspended – on Monday until Oct. 14, a move opponents argued was designed to thwart their attempts to scrutinize his plans for leaving the European Union and to allow him to push through a no-deal Brexit on Oct. 31. Scotland’s…

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Britain’s Chief Brexit Negotiator, David Frost, arrived in Brussels for talks with his European Union counterparts. With only seven weeks until Britain is due to quit the EU, the future of Brexit is as unclear as ever, with the possible outcomes ranging from the world’s fifth largest economy leaving without a deal to the 2016 referendum being overturned. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson seeks to persuade the EU to give him a deal at an EU leaders’ meeting two weeks before Brexit day or face a parliamentary injonction to ask for a postponement until 2020. Last week, EU Chief Brexit…

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Former Formula One world champion Michael Schumacher was admitted to a Paris hospital for “secret treatment” on Monday Schumacher turned 50 on Jan. 3 but has not been seen in public since a skiing accident in the French Alps five years ago that left him with severe head injuries and in a medically-induced coma for several months. Schumacher was taken to the Pompidou hospital in southwest Paris on Monday afternoon, Le Parisien said, without citing its sources. Schumacher remains motor racing’s most successful driver, with a record 91 grand prix wins. He won his first two titles with Benetton in…

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Britain’s opposition Labour Party said if it won power it would create a Ministry of Employment Rights to deliver better wages, greater job security and give workers more of a say over how their workplaces are run. With a deepening crisis over Brexit in Britain, both Labour and Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s governing Conservative Party are already drawing the battle lines for an early election, which many believe could be triggered later this year. Labour leader Corbyn used a speech to trade unions to add detail to his pledge to “put power in the hands of workers”, not “born-to-rule establishment…

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Prime Minister Boris Johnson vowed on Tuesday to deliver Britain’s departure on October 31, with or without a deal. Johnson said he would not request an extension to Brexit, hours after a law came into force demanding that he delay until 2020 unless he can strike a divorce deal. Before its suspension, parliament refused his demand for a snap election. Opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn said the party was eager for an election, but would not support Johnson’s move to hold one until it was certain a delay to Brexit had been secured. Brexit, the United Kingdom’s most significant…

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The leader of the Northern Irish party which backs Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government arrived for Brexit talks with the British leader on Tuesday. A spokesman for Johnson said the talks will cover a range of issues including Brexit after Arlene Foster, leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), said an Irish backstop would be unacceptable. The backstop was part of the withdrawal agreement, rejected three times by the British parliament, aiming to ensure there was no return of a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic after Britain leaves the European Union and before a new trade…

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Scotland’s highest court of appeal ruled on Wednesday that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decision to suspend Parliament for five weeks is unlawful. Parliament was prorogued, or suspended, on Monday until Oct. 14, a move opponents argued was designed to thwart their attempts to scrutinize his plans for leaving the European Union and allow him to push through a no-deal Brexit. The British government said on Wednesday it would appeal the ruling. On Friday, London’s High Court rejected a similar challenge by campaigners and that case is due to be heard on Sept. 17 at the Supreme Court, the highest…

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