WHO, Governments Worldwide ‘Rejected Bioethical Norms’: Dr. Malone


Dr. Robert Malone, who helped invent mRNA technology, blamed governments and the World Health Organization (WHO) for a misinformation campaign while promoting COVID-19 vaccines that rejected long-established “bioethical norms.”

“WHO (UN), mega-NGOs, and the governments of the world have rejected the knowledge that myself, my peers, and colleagues over decades have contributed to; about how one should do this, how one should act, what steps one should take in order to ensure that we have safe and effective products” like vaccines, Dr. Malone said in a speech at an event at Portcullis House, one of the UK Parliament buildings, on Dec. 4.

“And furthermore, they have rejected the bioethical norms that have been developed since World War II; to respect human dignity, to ensure that human beings are treated as humans; that their autonomy, their sovereignty is respected, that they are provided with informed consent.”

“Instead of informed consent about the truth of these products and their developmental state, their immature developmental state—we were given a series of lies.”

One of the lies was the claim that the vaccines were “safe and effective.” Authorities repeated this claim “again and again and again without stating what that meant.” This was an attempt at “neurolinguistic programming.”

“That’s psychological operations. That’s propaganda,” he said.

The second lie was the claim that injected contents would remain at the site of the injection, which has also been proven to be false, Dr. Malone stated.

“We knew, and they knew, that these products deployed all throughout the body. We knew that they didn’t stay where they were injected.”

The third lie was about the modified ribonucleic acid, a molecule contained in the mRNA vaccines. While these were claimed to only last in the body for a short period of time, the molecules have now been found to remain biologically active in the body for an “undetermined period of time” that can last for weeks or months.

For instance, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claims that the mRNA from the vaccines is “broken down within a few days after vaccination and doesn’t last long in the body.”

However, an Aug. 31 study found spike proteins from the mRNA vaccines in the biological fluids of individuals even six months after vaccination.

According to Dr. Malone, the public was also subject to a fourth lie—that none of the people would be safe until we were all safe. “This was part of the propaganda campaign to insist that we all accept these products,” Dr. Malone said.

“That was done, by the way, in violation of well-established norms that involved coercion, compulsion, and enticement. Ice creams for children to take your jab, hamburgers, or whatever the enticement was; that is illegal.”

The Epoch Times reached out to WHO and CDC for comment.
Source: The Epoch Times