Friday, March 14

Timothy Lotz joined a Stop the Steal rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on Dec. 19, one of many such rallies that have been taking places across the country in all 50 states since the general election. He said he wished to see every Pennsylvania citizen come to these protests, because there is still hope that the will of the people will prevail.

“I don’t understand why people lose heart. But, you know, the Word of God teaches us to not lose heart. And as a Christian, I won’t lose heart in this fight for for the truth in this election,” he said.

“I’m coming here today just simply because we have to continue to fight the good fight, and that is to see that this election is not corrupted, that it’s not stolen,” Lotz said.

Though the process has been riddled with difficulties and obstacles, Lotz was firm in his belief that the truth about the election fraud would come out in a clear manner. He also said President Donald Trump still has the power to expose the truth, such as through declassification and other means.

He said he personally thought martial law was on the table, and that though it might sound extreme to some, it’s something that has been used many times by American presidents.

“I’m an American citizen, and I’m for the rule of law,” he said.

“People in Pennsylvania who who truly believe that their votes have been stolen, or that they’ve been disenfranchised through this election process, need to continue to put pressure on the legislators and the state government itself, in order to have the truth revealed,” he said.

“The enemy has overplayed the effort of fraud, to the degree that it’s obvious to most of us,” he said. “And so it’s just a matter of whether people who have that position of authority will concede to the truth, and when they concede to the truth, then then the election will be made right.”

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