LoveWorld UK highly values and esteems its partners. When you partner with LoveWorld UK, you join hands with us in taking the gospel to every area of human existence bringing all round fulfilment to the lives of many.
To partner with LoveWorld UK, kindly use the form below.
Click on the Paypal button below to pay via Credit or Debit Card.
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LoveWorld UK depends on the generous giving of people like you to bring the best in Christian programming to a rapidly increasing global audience. Your gift will make an immediate impact toward the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and strengthening the faith of the brethren.
Alternative Payment Options
Bank: National Westminster Bank
Account name: Loveworld Limited
Sort code: 60-13-26
Account number: 46515321
International Payments – IBAN: GB06 NWBK 6013 2646 5153 21
International Payments – BIC: NWBK GB 2L•
Branch Address: 102 High Road, Loughton, Essex, United Kingdom. IG10 4AS
To sponsor using KingsPay: Download the Kingspay Mobile App from the Android or Apple store and use the Kingspay code: LWTUK.
To sponsor using Espees: Download the Espees Mobile App from the Loveworld App Store and use the Espees code: LWUK.