Author: LWTV Sponsors

Ceremonies are to be staged around the world to mark one year since more than 200 girls were abducted by Nigerian militant Islamist group Boko Haram. A procession will be held in the capital, Abuja, with 219 girls taking part to represent each missing girl. The abduction of the girls in Chibok in north-eastern Nigeria sparked global outrage, with nations such as the US and China promising to help find them. There have been reported sightings of the girls, but none has been found. Boko Haram say the girls have converted to Islam and been married off. One witness said that…

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Russia has lifted a ban on supplying Iran with a sophisticated air defence missile system, the Kremlin has said. Delivery of the S-300s was cancelled in 2010 after the UN imposed sanctions on Iran over its nuclear programme. But the Russian president gave the go-ahead after Tehran struck an interim deal with world powers to curb nuclear activities in exchange for sanctions relief. Despite the sanctions, Russia and Iran have remained close allies. The contract to deliver the system was heavily criticised at the time by Israel and the US, who feared it could be used to protect Iranian nuclear…

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US Secretary of State John Kerry and Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez have held talks, in the highest level meeting between the two countries in more than half a century. The two held closed-door discussions after arriving in Panama for a summit. Meanwhile, the US state department has reportedly recommended that Cuba be removed from its list of states said to sponsor terrorism. Such a move could pave the way for the two countries re-opening embassies. US President Barack Obama and Cuban leader Raul Castro are also due to meet on the sidelines of the Summit of the Americas in…

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