Author: LoveWorld UK

6,135 people brave severe weather, 728 connect online from 11 nations, to Total Experience Yaounde. On Saturday, October 20th, 6,135 people ignored heavy rainfalls in order to make their way to ‘Palais Polyvalent des Sports’ for Total Experience Yaounde. 728 online attendees from 11 countries — United Arab Emirates, France, Gabon, Germany, Congo DR and more — connected LIVE via Christ Embassy Douala’s virtual church. Many days before Total Experience Yaounde, the city of Cameroon was agog with news and excitement about the program, rousing high expectations for the miraculous in thousands of prospective attendees. The event kicked off with…

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Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives and their Social Democrat coalition allies in Berlin both lost significant support in a regional election in the western state of Hesse on Sunday, dealing a fresh blow to the fragile national government. Merkel’s conservative Christian Democrats came home first but polled just 28 percent of the vote, an exit poll showed. That marked a huge drop from the 38.3 percent the CDU won at the last Hesse election, in 2013. This morning the German Chancellor announced that she will not stand for re-election as leader of the CDU at the next election. She has been…

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Refuse to allow circumstances run your life. You’re a creature of faith, and faith doesn’t consider circumstances; faith responds only to the Word. No matter how fierce the attacks of the enemy may be, refuse to be moved; walk on in victory. Be like Abraham who refused to consider his body, when he was about one hundred years old, neither did he consider the deadness of Sarah’s womb. Rather, he was strong in faith, giving glory to God (Romans 4:19-20).

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Partners support the InnerCity Mission’s goal to distribute 30 million meals in 40 countries. Partners of CE Lagos Zone 3 demonstrated their support to the #EndChildPovertyNOW campaign by organizing a Mega Food Drive in commemoration of World Food Day. The food items donated to the Food Bank help the InnerCity Mission in achieving the goal of distributing 30 million meals to indigent children and poor families across 40 countries. The esteemed Zonal Pastor, Pastor Femi Otenigbagbe, said during the hand-over: “the InnerCity Mission is a platform to express the vision God has given to the Man of God, Pastor Chris,…

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200 students irrevocably transformed by God’s love at UK Zone B’s Sex Education, University of Essex. The fourth edition of Sex Education by the esteemed Zonal Secretary of BLW UK Zone B, Pastor Peter, held at the University of Essex on Saturday, October 20th. Over 200 students were irrevocably transformed by the power of God’s love during the program that aimed to shine God’s light on, perhaps, the most important and least discussed topic on campus — sex. The program was centered around a series of stories focusing on the testimonies of leaders in the zone who had overcome childhood…

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Every Christian has the grace to excel in every good work. Our opening verse says God is able to direct all the grace you require for anything in this life towards you, such that you’re never behind in competence or ability. You’re qualified for any task; that’s what it means to have “all sufficiency in all things”; you have all the competencies, special skills and abilities required for excellence in all things.

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What do you want to be when you grow up? Some kids want to be a fireman or a police officer. Others may set their sights on becoming a doctor or a lawyer. Still, others may set their sights as high as they can go. No regular job will satisfy them. They want to be the leader of an entire country! Of course, what they want to become will depend upon where they live. Kids in the United States would want to become President of the United States one day. But what about kids in other countries, such as the United Kingdom, Canada, or India? Kids in those…

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Pastor Tayo Ojo leads partners to raise awareness for the InnerCity Mission with 10K charity run. The esteemed Zonal Pastor of UK Virtual Zone 2, Pastor Tayo Ojo, led partners from Christ Embassy Manchester to participate in the annual Great Manchester Run 2018, the third largest annual run in Europe. The brethren set out to raise awareness and financial sponsorship for the InnerCity Mission’s Back-to-School campaign. Organizations, groups, churches and zones can host a charity event on behalf of the InnerCity Mission, either online or onsite in their localities, to better the lives of needy children, poor families and inner-city communities around the world.  Click here to setup an…

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We’re the bearers of His righteousness; His light in a dark world. We must take the light of the Gospel to men and women around the world, as a witness to all nations (Matthew 24:14). We can’t afford to be weak, lukewarm, or quiet. We must maintain the glow and passion of the Spirit, and keep preaching the Gospel in the wisdom and power of God. Yes, we’ll face oppositions; there’re many adversaries; there’s a dark realm over this world and in this world, which we’re set against. But none of these should deter us from preaching the Gospel.

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Digestive problems and stomach upsets can be prevented, relieved and even banished by simple lifestyle changes. Beat stress to ease tummy troubles You may have noticed a feeling of unease in your stomach during times of stress. That’s because anxiety and worry can upset the delicate balance of digestion. In some people stress slows down digestion, causing bloating, pain and constipation, while in others it speeds it up causing diarrhoea and frequent trips to the loo. Some people lose their appetite completely. Stress can also worsen digestive conditions like stomach ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome. One solution is to avoid eating when you’re feeling very anxious,…

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