Author: LoveWorld UK

Germany’s Finance Minister Olaf Scholz said that Germany was ready for a hard no Deal Brexit and the European Union would win financial business from Britain. South Africa’s President says no to work experience in South Africa as a requisite for employment President Donald Trump signed the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative, focused on advancing female participation in the global economy. Ahead 2019 general elections in Nigeria, the Independent National Electoral Commission Reveals Amended Guidelines for the elections and any potential election reruns.

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PM May arrived in Brussels where a cool handshake for the cameras did little to conceal the tension, just 50 days before the UK could crash out of the Eu with No Deal. The British PM has said she will seek an alternative arrangement which avoids the need for a hard border on the island of Ireland, or legally binding changes to the backstop to introduce a time limit or create an exit mechanism.   However, she has yet to illustrate how that may be achieved and the EU it appears will not put any suggestions forward and we have…

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Russia would be prepared to consider new proposals from the United States to replace a suspended Cold War-era nuclear pact with a broader treaty that includes more countries, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said. Russia suspended the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty at the weekend after Washington announced it would withdraw in six months unless Russia ends what it says are violations of the pact, allegations rejected by Moscow. The 1987 treaty eliminated the medium-range missile arsenals of the world’s two biggest nuclear powers, but leaves other countries free to produce and deploy them. U.S. President Donald Trump said last…

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France’s parliament passed a bill aimed at curbing violent protests in response to three months of anti-government demonstrations by the grassroots “yellow vests” movement. Despite criticism that the law could curb civil liberties, it passed the lower house. The anti-hooligan law bans protesters from hiding their faces, gives police greater powers to extract potential troublemakers from demonstrations, and grants local authorities the right to ban individual protesters. The “yellow vest” movement erupted in November as a protest against fuel taxes but has morphed into a broader revolt against inequality and Macron’s presidency. Rioters ran amok in Paris during the early…

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British Prime Minister Theresa May held roundtable talks with business leaders in Belfast, as she aimed to reassure Northern Ireland that she can deliver an orderly Brexit and prevent the return of a hard border with the Republic of Ireland. Since British lawmakers voted down the withdrawal agreement last month, parliament has instructed May to replace its most contentious element – an insurance policy covering the possible future arrangements for the border between European Union (EU)-member Ireland and the British province of Northern Ireland. The United Kingdom is due to leave the EU in 52 days, yet London and Brussels…

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Pastor Chris read theme scriptures from 1 John 1:7 and Isaiah 2:5, the former saying, “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” With other scriptures including Isaiah 60:1, 19-22 and Psalm 119:105, 130-133, the man of God instructed the global congregation to give attention to the Word this month.

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Britain’s Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Harry and Meghan, braved the weather to greet members of the public in snowy Bristol on Friday. Harry and Meghan, who are expecting their first child in the spring, shook hands and greeted local children who had waited for the couple outside Bristol Old Vic theatre in spite of the weather. The royals were in Bristol to learn about the city’s cultural history and visit organisations that support the local community, Kensington Palace said.

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The European Commission said on Friday that under its proposals Britons would be exempt from visa requirements for short visits to the EU after Brexit on the condition that reciprocal arrangements were made for EU citizens travelling the other way. A short stay is defined as up to 90 days within any 180 day period. All non-EU countries benefiting from visa-free travel have since October been subject to ETIAS (European Travel Information Authorisation System) regulation, by which travellers are pre-screened before they arrive in Europe and those deemed dangerous can be denied the right to enter. Spokeswoman Natasha Bertaud said…

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Amidst a rising death toll, a glimmer of hope in Brazil. A woman was saved from a sea of mud after a deadly dam collapse in the town of Brumadinho last week. And a local man has been dubbed the hero behind the rescue. Jefferson Ferreira, 33, was out looking for his sister amongst the trail of destruction when he heard of a report that someone was still alive in the mud. Thinking it might be his sister, Ferreira rushed to the site with a friend. When he arrived and got closer, it was not his sister but rather a…

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A round-the-clock prayer service to stop an Armenian family being deported from the Netherlands was ended after 96 days on Wednesday (January 30), after the government agreed to make an exception to immigration rules. Using a law that bars police from entering a place of worship while a service is in progress, hundreds of supporters of the Tamrazyan family have held rites non-stop at the Bethel church in The Hague since October 26 to block their deportation. Late on Tuesday, the Dutch cabinet decided to allow the Tamrazyans and other families rejected for permanent residence after living for years in…

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