Author: LoveWorld UK

All automakers in Britain will have to find ways make Brexit work, even if only in the short term. Famed luxury marque Aston Martin and Vauxhall, Britain’s brand for everyman, are as different as two auto companies can be. Both companies have significant British manufacturing operations and thousands of jobs are at stake. For Aston Martin, which sells sports cars at prices well above 100,000 pounds ($130,380), new European tariffs on British-built cars are not a significant concern, Palmer said. Like other smaller players such as Bentley, Rolls-Royce and McLaren, Aston has much larger margins on its cars and extra…

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Alphabet subsidiary Google are paying big money to remain the default search engine across Apple devices. Last year, the company paid out around $9.4 billion to Apple, according to Goldman Sachs analyst Rod Hall. That number will increase to about $12 billion this year. Apple generated $39.5 billion in services revenue last year. Google’s $9.4 billion in traffic acquisition costs paid out to Apple made up for nearly 25% of that revenue.

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Britain’s competition regulator said Sainsbury’s planned $9.5 billion (£7.2 billion) takeover of Walmart-owned Asda should either be blocked or require the sale of a significant number of stores, or even one of the brands. In a major blow to the company’s’ plans to create Britain’s biggest supermarket group, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) said its current view was that it was “likely to be difficult for the companies to address the concerns it has identified.” The (CMA) said it may block the deal or force the sale of several stores or even one of the brand names. Chief executive…

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Prime Minister Theresa May will return to Brussels later to continue Brexit talks with the European Union She is trying to renegotiate the Irish backstop – the insurance policy to prevent the return of customs checks on the Irish border. The Prime Minister also put aside questions concerning whether she will resign if her Brexit deal is declined by Parliament next week, mentioning she is confident that she will keep her job after the important vote. May made her prediction whilst facing another Brexit-related issue. Her opposing lawmakers sought to force May’s government to publish legal information regarding the UK’s…

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Guinness World Records has recognized the Trauma Care International Foundation for signing up the most people to donate blood within an 8-hour period. Across multiple venues, TCIF registered 3,310 people to donate blood on June 30, 2018. Trauma Care International Foundation, born out of the Healing School of Christ Embassy, is on a mission “to improve the health status and life expectancy of local communities, nations and regions by promoting improved trauma care and emergency response services.” The NGO’s blood bank campaigns are directly connected to this global mandate. The Trauma Care International Foundation has eyes on June 30, 2019,…

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A cyber attack on Australian lawmakers that breached the networks of major political parties was probably carried out by a foreign government, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said but did not name any suspects. As Australia heads for an election due by May, lawmakers were told this month to urgently change their passwords after the cyber intelligence agency detected an attack on the national parliament’s computer network. The hackers breached the networks of major political parties, Morrison said, as he issued an initial assessment by investigators.

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Catalan politicians joined thousands of independence supporters protesting in Barcelona against the trial of 12 separatist leaders. Demonstrators flooded central Barcelona waving pro-independence Estelada flags and chanting in Catalan: “Freedom for political prisoners”. The trial began on February 12 and is expected to last at least three months. The 12 defendants face charges of rebellion, sedition and misuse of public funds for their roles in a failed independence drive in 2017. Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez called a snap national election for April 28, after losing a key budget vote earlier in the week. Catalan pro-independence parties voted against the…

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Seven MPs have resigned from the Labour Party in protest at Jeremy Corbyn’s approach to Brexit and anti-Semitism. They are: Chuka Umunna, Luciana Berger, Chris Leslie, Angela Smith, Mike Gapes, Gavin Shuker and Ann Coffey. Ms Berger said Labour had become institutionally anti-Semitic and she was “embarrassed and ashamed” to stay. Mr Corbyn said he was “disappointed” the MPs had felt unable to continue working for the policies that “inspired millions” at the 2017 election. Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell said the “honourable thing for them to do” would be to stand down as MPs and seek to return to Parliament…

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Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez arrived in parliament ahead of a crucial vote on the 2019 budget that could result in an early election. Political sources said that Spain’s minority Socialist government plans to announce an early general election after an expected defeat in a budget vote following its refusal to negotiate Catalan self-determination. Two small Catalan pro-independence parties, on whose votes the government has been relying to pass legislation, have so far maintained their blanket rejection of the budget. They said they were open to negotiate until the budget vote if the government promised them a dialogue on the…

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Britain’s opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn criticised Prime Minister Theresa May over the government’s scrapping of a ferry contract. The government terminated a contract last week with Seaborne Freight to provide extra ferries in the event of a no-deal Brexit that would see Britain leave the European Union on March 29 without a transition period to minimize economic disruption. The decision to award the 14 million pound ($18.1 million) contract in December to Seaborne Freight, which did not have any ships, has been heavily criticised by opposition politicians and others. A Department for Transport spokeswoman said on Saturday (January…

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