Author: LoveWorld UK

The European Union must introduce a new, automatic system of taking in migrants saved from the Mediterranean, the leaders of Italy and France said as they sought to patch up bruised bilateral relations. Italy has long complained that it has been left alone to deal with the hundreds of thousands of migrants who have crossed the sea in recent years looking for a better life in Europe. The issue has caused particular tensions between Rome and Paris, but French President Emmanuel Macron has leapt on the fact that a new, pro-European government has taken office in Italy to try to…

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on his main rival, former general Benny Gantz, to join him in a broad, governing coalition after Israel’s election with no clear winner. A spokeswoman for Gantz, leader of the centrist Blue and White party, had no immediate response to the surprise offer from Netanyahu, head of the right-wing Likud party. The change of strategy reflected Netanyahu’s weakened position after he failed again in Tuesday’s election, which followed an inconclusive ballot in April, to secure a parliamentary majority. On Wednesday, Gantz said he hoped for a “good, desirable unity government” but he has also ruled…

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British Brexit minister Stephen Barclay said the so-called backstop on the Irish border as part of a Withdrawal deal with the European Union “has to go,” and that while his government wanted a deal, Britain may have to leave the European Union without one at the end of October. “We recognise that we may not be able to agree a deal and in that instance, we will leave with no deal,” he said. Barclay was speaking to journalists and business people in Madrid just six weeks before the October 31 deadline by which Prime Minister Boris Johnson has vowed to…

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Boris Johnson’s decision to suspend parliament is a political issue and not a matter for judges, a lawyer for the UK prime minister said as he sought to persuade the British Supreme Court that the five-week shutdown was lawful. James Eadie, a lawyer for Johnson, told the court that the ability to prorogue parliament was a matter of politics or “high policy” which was non-justiciable, meaning it was not something judges could rule on. It was a matter for parliament to hold the government to account, not the courts, he said, arguing that lawmakers could hold a vote of no-confidence…

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A ‘ghost boat’ carrying a group of some twenty Tunisian migrants arrived on a Sicilian beach. The environmental group Mare Amico say the boats arrive several times a week carrying migrants who immediately disappear into the vegetation around the beach once the boat is beached. Local residents believe a “mother ship” brings the migrants close to the shore and then the “ghost boats” are used to transport the migrants to shore. The boat is then abandoned on the beach. The Italian government has promised a fresh approach to migration following the hardline clampdown on rescue ships introduced by former interior…

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Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is fighting to hold on to power, as voters go to the polls in one of its closest election races in years. He called the snap election after failing to form a governing coalition in the wake of an election in April. Polls forecast his right-wing Likud party to tie with its main challenger, the centrist Blue, and White party led by former military chief Benny Gantz. Smaller parties could, therefore, have a big say in the final outcome. Negotiations on the formation of a new coalition are expected to start as soon as voting…

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Protesters rallying outside the Supreme Court on Tuesday said the Prime Minister’s decision to prorogue parliament was “undemocratic”. The country’s highest court of appeal began hearing legal arguments about whether Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Johnson’s decision to prorogue Parliament was lawful after two separate legal cases in lower courts resulted in conflicting rulings. In one case, anti-Brexit campaigner Gina Miller and former British prime minister John Major asserted that the suspension of Parliament was an abuse of power, and lost. In the other, Scottish lawmaker Joanna Cherry put forward similar arguments and won. The Supreme Court has joined the two…

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Champions League holders Liverpool begin their quest to retain their title when they take on Napoli in a Group E match in Italy on Tuesday  Juergen Klopp’s squad held a training session at their home base before travelling to Naples, boosted by a remarkable run that has seen them win their last fourteen Premier League matches sandwiched around last season’s 2-0 Champions League final win over Tottenham in Madrid. This season, Liverpool are already five points clear at the top from defending Premier League champions Manchester City and are averaging three goals a game. Sadio Mane and Mohamed Salah have…

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Australia is considering new religious freedom legislation following the firing of Christian rugby star Israel Folau over his Instagram posts about Hell.  Folau’s multimillion-dollar contract was terminated earlier this year after a brouhaha erupted over his post on his personal Instagram about who is condemned: “Hell awaits” for “drunks, homosexuals, adulterers, liars, fornicators, thieves, atheists, idolaters” which is a portion of 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. He added: “Those that are living in Sin will end up in Hell unless you repent. Jesus Christ loves you and is giving you time to turn away from your sin and come to him.”  The…

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Britain’s new Trade Minister Liz Truss said that striking a trade deal with New Zealand would be a priority for the UK after Brexit. Political turmoil in the United Kingdom has generated uncertainty over its withdrawal from the European Union and left the future of the country’s trade ties in doubt. London has been working to minimize the impact of Brexit on other trading partners. Truss, appointed earlier this year by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, arrived in New Zealand for talks with her counterpart David Parker on Monday, as part of a three-nation tour, which includes Australia and Japan, aimed…

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