POISONOUS WATER CONTAMINATES SOUTH WEST WATER SUPPLY –   Traces of cryptosporidium found in the water

South West Water has issued a Boil Water Notice to around 16,000 households and businesses in the Brixham area, advising them not to use their tap water for drinking without boiling and cooling it first, after traces of cryptosporidium was found in the water and has been causing serve issues for residents. 

South West Water believe they have located the source of the issue but are continuing their investigations. The boil water notice therefore remains in place.

Residents are advised to not drink your tap water without first boiling it and allowing it to cool. This applies to water used for drinking, cooking, preparing food or brushing teeth. Boiled water can be stored in a covered container in the fridge for up to 24 hours. You may use normal tap water for washing, bathing and toilet flushing.

The outbreak has caused diarrhoea, stomach pains, dehydration, fever and weight loss and can last for two to three weeks.Young children aged between one and five are the worst affected age group but health chief say most healthy people will fully recover.

In 2016 South West Water was fined £2.15m for illegally dumping sewage into rivers and the sea in Devon and Cornwall, causing significant environmental harm.
